- CameraConfig.plot_bbox(ax: Optional[Axes] = None, camera: Optional[bool] = False, mode: Optional[Literal['camera', 'geographical', '3d']] = 'geographical', transformer: Optional[Any] = None, h_a: Optional[float] = None, within_image: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs)[source]#
Plot bounding box.
This can be done for orthorectification in a geographical projection (camera=False) or the camera Field Of View (mode=”camera”).
- Parameters:
ax (plt.axes, optional) – if not provided, axes is setup (Default: None)
camera (bool, optional) – If set to True, all camera config information will be back projected to the original camera objective. This option is deprecated, instead use mode=”camera”.
mode (Literal["geographical", "camera", "3d"], optional) – Determines the type of bounding box to return. If set to “geographical” (default), the bounding box is returned in the geographical coordinates. If set to “camera”, the bounding box is returned in the camera perspective. If set to “3d”, the bounding box is returned as a 3D polygon in the CRS
transformer (pyproj transformer transformation function, optional) – used to reproject bbox to axes object projection (e.g. lat lon)
h_a (float, optional) – If set with mode=”camera”, then the bbox coordinates will be transformed to the camera perspective, using h_a as a present water level. In case a video with higher (lower) water levels is used, this will result in a different perspective plane than the control video.
within_image (bool, optional) – If set (default), points outside the camera objective are removed.
**kwargs (dict) – additional keyword arguments used for plotting the bbox polygon with matplotlib.patches.Polygon
- Returns:
- Return type:
matplotlib.patch mappable