User install#
To install pyorc, you will need a package manager in the Anaconda/Miniconda ecosystem such as conda or mamba.
We recommend using the Mambaforge Python distribution. This installs Python and the mamba package manager. Miniforge and Miniconda will install Python and the conda package manager.
In general, mamba is a lot faster than conda and requires less memory.
Making a virtual environment#
To get started with pyorc, we recommend to set up a python virtual environment. This ensures that installed libraries pyorc will not conflict with other libraries or library versions which you may need for other projects.
Setting up a virtual environment can be done with: .. code-block:: console
$ python -m venv pyorc_env
this creates a new folder pyorc_env on your disk which contains your virtual environment. After activating the environment, any package you install will be installed in this environment only. Activating in Unix/Linux is done as follows:
source pyorc_env/bin/activate
In Windows, the activation script is in a different folder. Type the following to activate the environment.
Alternatively, you can make and activate an environment with mamba and python and pip installations in that environment as follows:
mamba create --name pyorc_env
mamba activate pyorc_env
mamba install python pip
Installation from pypi with pip#
The most straightforward installation is through pip
. This also works in a Raspberry Pi 64-bit OS.
First activate the environment you want pyorc to be installed in (if you don’t care about virtual environments, then
simply skip this step). Activation of a virtual environment made with venv
or with mamba is
explained in the section above.
$ pip install pyopenrivercam[extra]
The [extra]
section ensures that also geographical plotting is supported, which we recommend especially for the
set up of a camera configuration.
Upgrading from pypi with pip#
Did you read about a new version and you want to upgrade? Simply activate your virtual environment, type
$ pip install --upgrade pyopenrivercam[extra]
and then enjoy the latest features.
Installation from conda-forge package#
Activate your mamba created virtual environment with the activate command as follows
Once the environment is prepared, install the latest conda-forge package, with all dependencies using the following command:
$ mamba install -c conda-forge pyopenrivercam
Installation from latest code base#
To install the latest (unreleased) version from github, replace the last command shown in the previous section by:
$ pip install git+
You may have to uninstall pyorc first to successfully install from github.