
CameraConfig.plot(figsize: Optional[Tuple] = (13, 8), ax: Optional[Axes] = None, tiles: Optional[Any] = None, buffer: Optional[float] = 0.0005, zoom_level: Optional[int] = 19, camera: Optional[bool] = False, mode: Optional[Literal['camera', 'geographical', '3d']] = 'geographical', pose_length: float = 1.0, tiles_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None) Axes[source]#

Plot geographical situation of the CameraConfig.

This is very useful to check if the CameraConfig seems to be in the right location. Requires cartopy to be installed.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – width and height of figure (Default value = (13)

  • ax (plt.axes, optional) – if not provided, axes is setup (Default: None)

  • tiles (str, optional) – name of tiler service to use (called as attribute from (Default: None)

  • buffer (float, optional) – buffer in lat-lon around points, used to set extent (default: 0.0005)

  • zoom_level (int, optional) – zoom level of image tiler service (default: 18)

  • camera (bool, optional) – If set to True, all camera config information will be back projected to the original camera objective. This option is deprecated, instead use mode=”camera”.

  • mode (Literal["geographical", "camera", "3d"], optional) – Determines the type of bounding box to return. If set to “geographical” (default), the bounding box is returned in the geographical coordinates. If set to “camera”, the bounding box is returned in the camera perspective. If set to “3d”, the bounding box is returned as a 3D polygon in the CRS

  • pose_length (float, optional) – length of pose axes to draw (only used in mode=”3d”).

  • tiles_kwargs (dict) – additional keyword arguments to pass to ax.add_image when tiles are added



Return type:
