- class pyorc.CrossSection(camera_config, cross_section: Union[GeoDataFrame, List[List]])[source]#
Water Level functionality.
Initialize a cross-section representation.
The object is geographically aware through the camera configuration. If a GeoDataFrame is supplied as cross_section input, CRS consistency between the cross-section and camera configuration is guaranteed.
- Parameters:
camera_config (object) – Defines the camera configuration, including potential CRS used for processing geographic data consistency.
cross_section (GeoDataFrame or list of lists) – Cross-sectional data representing coordinate information. Can either be a GeoDataFrame with CRS potentially set or a list-of-lists where each inner list contains [x, y, z] coordinates.
- x#
Represents the x-coordinates of the cross-section. For GeoDataFrame input, these are converted into the CRS of the camera configuration if applicable.
- Type:
list of float
- y#
Represents the y-coordinates of the cross-section. For GeoDataFrame input, these are converted into the CRS of the camera configuration if applicable.
- Type:
list of float
- z#
Represents the z-coordinates of the cross-section.
- Type:
list of float
- s#
Represents the horizontal cumulative distances calculated between consecutive points in the cross-section, used primarily for spatial interpolation.
- Type:
- l#
Represents the cumulative spatial coordinates, tracking both horizontal and vertical distances over the cross-section, from the left-most to the right-most section. used primarily for spatial interpolation and needed where pure horizontal or vertical lines are experienced.
- Type:
- camera_config#
Associated camera configuration object indicating CRS and related configuration applied to handle projection and compatibility with cross-section data.
- Type:
- Raises:
ValueError – Raised if the CRS is defined for only one of camera_config or cross_section, as CRS for both or neither must be specified for consistency.
TypeError – Raised if cross_section is neither of type GeoDataFrame nor a list of lists structure.
- __init__(camera_config, cross_section: Union[GeoDataFrame, List[List]])[source]#
Initialize a cross-section representation.
The object is geographically aware through the camera configuration. If a GeoDataFrame is supplied as cross_section input, CRS consistency between the cross-section and camera configuration is guaranteed.
- Parameters:
camera_config (object) – Defines the camera configuration, including potential CRS used for processing geographic data consistency.
cross_section (GeoDataFrame or list of lists) – Cross-sectional data representing coordinate information. Can either be a GeoDataFrame with CRS potentially set or a list-of-lists where each inner list contains [x, y, z] coordinates.
- x#
Represents the x-coordinates of the cross-section. For GeoDataFrame input, these are converted into the CRS of the camera configuration if applicable.
- Type:
list of float
- y#
Represents the y-coordinates of the cross-section. For GeoDataFrame input, these are converted into the CRS of the camera configuration if applicable.
- Type:
list of float
- z#
Represents the z-coordinates of the cross-section.
- Type:
list of float
- s#
Represents the horizontal cumulative distances calculated between consecutive points in the cross-section, used primarily for spatial interpolation.
- Type:
- l#
Represents the cumulative spatial coordinates, tracking both horizontal and vertical distances over the cross-section, from the left-most to the right-most section. used primarily for spatial interpolation and needed where pure horizontal or vertical lines are experienced.
- Type:
- camera_config#
Associated camera configuration object indicating CRS and related configuration applied to handle projection and compatibility with cross-section data.
- Type:
- Raises:
ValueError – Raised if the CRS is defined for only one of camera_config or cross_section, as CRS for both or neither must be specified for consistency.
TypeError – Raised if cross_section is neither of type GeoDataFrame nor a list of lists structure.
(camera_config, cross_section)Initialize a cross-section representation.
(img[, bank, bin_size, ...])Detect water level optically from provided image.
([length, offset, camera, ...])Retrieve a bottom surface polygon for the entire cross section, expanded over a length.
(h[, sz])Retrieve LineString of water surface at cross-section at a given water level.
([h, l, length, offset, camera, ...])Retrieve waterlines over the cross-section, perpendicular to the orientation of the cross-section.
([h, l, camera, swap_y_coords])Retrieve list of points, where cross-section (cs) touches the land (l).
([h, l, length, padding, offset, ...])Get horizontal polygon from cross-section land-line towards water or towards land.
(x, img[, bin_size, ...])Retrieve a histogram score for a given l-value.
([bank])Retrieve the points of interest within the cross-section for water level detection.
(h[, length, offset, ...])Retrieve a planar water surface for a given water level, as a geometry.Polygon.
(h[, camera, swap_y_coords])Retrieve a wetted surface for a given water level, as a geometry.Polygon.
Retrieve a wetted surface perpendicular to flow direction (SZ) for a water level, as a geometry.Polygon.
([h, length, offset, camera, ax, ...])Plot the cross-section situation.
([length, offset, ...])Plot the bottom surface for a given water level.
([ax, camera, swap_y_coords])Plot the cross section.
(h[, length, offset, ...])Plot the planar surface for a given water level.
(h[, length, offset, ...])Plot the water level at user provided value h.
(h[, camera, ...])Plot the wetted surface for a given water level.
Average angle orientation that cross-section makes in geographical space.
Return cross-section as shapely.geometry.Linestring.
Return cross-section perpendicular to flow direction (SZ) as shapely.geometry.Linestring.
Return cross-section as list of shapely.geometry.Point.
Return cross-section perpendicular to flow direction (SZ) as list of shapely.geometry.Point.
Determine index of point in cross-section, closest to the camera.
Determine index of point in cross-section, farthest from the camera.
Linear interpolation function for distances (d) to lens, using l as input.
Linear interpolation function for s-coordinates, from left to right bank, using l as input.
Linear interpolation function for x-coordinates, using l as input.
Linear interpolation function for x-coordinates, using s as input.
Linear interpolation function for y-coordinates, using l as input.
Linear interpolation function for y-coordinates, using s as input..
Linear interpolation function for z-coordinates, using l as input.
Linear interpolation function for z-coordinates, using s as input..