
Velocimetry.plot.streamplot(x, y, u, v, s=None, ax=None, linewidth_scale=None, **kwargs)#

Create streamplot of velocimetry results on new or existing axes.

Wraps matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot(). Additional input arguments:

  • mode (str, optional) – perspective mode to use for plotting. Can be “local” (default), “geographical”, or “camera”. For “geographical” a velocimetry result that contains “lon” and “lat” coordinates must be provided (i.e. produced with known CRS for control points).

  • x (str, optional) – Coordinate for x axis. If None, use darray.dims[1].

  • y (str, optional) – Coordinate for y axis. If None, use darray.dims[0].

  • ax (plt.axes, optional) – If None (default), use the current axes. Not applicable when using facets.

  • **kwargs (additional keyword arguments to wrapped Matplotlib function.) –


artist – The same type of primitive artist that the wrapped Matplotlib function returns.

Return type:

matplotlib mappable