Source code for pyorc.api.cameraconfig

import copy
import cv2
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import shapely.geometry
from shapely import ops, wkt
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point

from matplotlib import patches
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
from pyproj.exceptions import CRSError

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from .. import cv, helpers

[docs]class CameraConfig: """ Camera configuration containing information about the perspective of the camera with respect to real world coordinates """ def __str__(self): return str(self.to_json()) def __repr__(self): return self.to_json()
[docs] def __init__( self, height: int, width: int, crs: Optional[Any] = None, window_size: int = 10, resolution: float = 0.05, bbox: Optional[Union[shapely.geometry.Polygon, str]] = None, camera_matrix: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None, dist_coeffs: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None, lens_position: Optional[List[float]] = None, corners: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None, gcps: Optional[Dict[str, Union[List, float]]] = None, lens_pars: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, calibration_video: Optional[str] = None, is_nadir: Optional[bool] = False, stabilize: Optional[List[List]] = None ): """ Parameters ---------- height : int height of frame in pixels width : int width of frame in pixels crs : int, dict or str, optional Coordinate Reference System. Accepts EPSG codes (int or str) proj (str or dict) or wkt (str). Only used if the data has no native CRS. window_size : int pixel size of interrogation window (default: 15) resolution : float, optional resolution in m. of projected pixels (default: 0.01) bbox : shapely.geometry.Polygon, optional bounding box in geographical coordinates lens_position : list of floats (3), x, y, z coordinate of lens position in CRS corners : list of lists of floats (2) [x, y] coordinates defining corners of area of interest in camera cols/rows, bbox will be computed from this gcps : dict Can contain "src": list of lists, with column, row locations in objective of control points, "dst": list of lists, with x, y or x, y, z locations (local or global coordinate reference system) of control points, "h_ref": float, measured water level [m] in local reference system (e.g. from staff gauge or pressure gauge) during gcp survey, "z_0": float, water level [m] in global reference system (e.g. from used GPS system CRS). This must be in the same vertical reference as the measured bathymetry and other survey points, "crs": int, str or CRS object, CRS in which "dst" points are measured. If None, a local coordinate system is assumed (e.g. from spirit level). lens_pars (deprecated) : dict, optional Lens parameters, containing: "k1": float, barrel lens distortion parameter (default: 0.), "c": float, optical center (default: 2.), "focal_length": float, focal length (default: width of image frame) calibration_video : str, optional local path to video file containing a checkerboard pattern. Must be 9x6 if called directly, otherwise use ``.calibrate_camera`` explicitly and provide ``chessboard_size`` explicitly. When used, an automated camera calibration on the video file will be attempted. """ assert(isinstance(height, int)), 'height must be provided as type "int"' assert(isinstance(width, int)), 'width must be provided as type "int"' assert (isinstance(window_size, int)), 'window_size must be of type "int"' self.height = height self.width = width self.is_nadir = is_nadir if crs is not None: try: crs = CRS.from_user_input(crs) except CRSError: raise CRSError(f'crs "{crs}" is not a valid Coordinate Reference System') assert (crs.is_geographic == 0), "Prodstvided crs must be projected with units like [m]" = crs.to_wkt() if resolution is not None: self.resolution = resolution if lens_position is not None: self.set_lens_position(*lens_position) else: self.lens_position = None if gcps is not None: self.set_gcps(**gcps) if camera_matrix is None or dist_coeffs is None: if self.is_nadir: # with nadir, no perspective can be constructed, hence, camera matrix and dist coeffs will be set to default values self.camera_matrix = cv._get_cam_mtx(self.height, self.width) self.dist_coeffs = cv.DIST_COEFFS # camera pars are incomplete and need to be derived else: self.set_intrinsic( camera_matrix=camera_matrix, lens_pars=lens_pars ) else: # camera matrix and dist coeffs can also be set hard, this overrules the lens_pars option self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.dist_coeffs = dist_coeffs if calibration_video is not None: self.set_lens_calibration(calibration_video, plot=False) if bbox is not None: self.bbox = bbox if window_size is not None: self.window_size = window_size # override the transform and bbox with the set corners if corners is not None: self.set_bbox_from_corners(corners) if stabilize is not None: self.stabilize = stabilize
@property def bbox(self): """ Returns geographical bbox fitting around corners points of area of interest in camera perspective Returns ------- bbox : shapely.geometry.Polygon bbox of area of interest """ return self._bbox @bbox.setter def bbox(self, pol): if isinstance(pol, str): self._bbox = wkt.loads(pol) else: self._bbox = pol @property def camera_matrix(self): return self._camera_matrix @camera_matrix.setter def camera_matrix(self, camera_matrix): self._camera_matrix = camera_matrix.tolist() if isinstance(camera_matrix, np.ndarray) else camera_matrix @property def dist_coeffs(self): return self._dist_coeffs @dist_coeffs.setter def dist_coeffs(self, dist_coeffs): self._dist_coeffs = dist_coeffs.tolist() if isinstance(dist_coeffs, np.ndarray) else dist_coeffs @property def gcps_dest(self): """ Returns ------- dst : np.ndarray destination coordinates of ground control point. z-coordinates are parsed from z_0 if necessary """ if hasattr(self, "gcps"): if "dst" in self.gcps: return np.array(self.gcps["dst"] if len(self.gcps["dst"][0]) == 3 else np.c_[self.gcps["dst"], np.ones(4)*self.gcps["z_0"]]) # if conditions are not yet met, then return None return None @property def gcps_dest_bbox(self): """ Returns ------- dst : np.ndarray Destination coordinates measured as column, row in the intended bounding box with the intended resolution """ return np.array(cv.transform_to_bbox(self.gcps_dest, self.bbox, self.resolution)) @property def gcps_bbox_reduced(self): """ Returns ------- dst : np.ndarray Destination coordinates in col, row in the intended bounding box, reduced with their mean coordinate """ return self.gcps_dest_bbox - self.gcps_dest_bbox.mean(axis=0) @property def gcps_reduced(self): """ Get the location of gcp destination points, reduced with their mean for better local projection Returns ------- dst : np.ndarray Reduced coordinate (x, y) or (x, y, z) of gcp destination points """ return np.array(self.gcps_dest - self.gcps_mean) @property def gcps_mean(self): """ Get the mean location of gcp destination points Returns ------- dst_mean : np.ndarray mean coordinate (x, y) or (x, y, z) of gcp destination points """ return np.array(self.gcps_dest).mean(axis=0) @property def gcps_dims(self): """ Returns ------- dims : int amount of dimensions of gcps (can be 2 or 3) """ return len(self.gcps["dst"][0]) if hasattr(self, "gcps") else None @property def is_nadir(self): """ Returns if the camera configuration belongs to nadir video Returns ------- is_nadir : bool False if not nadir, True if nadir """ return self._is_nadir @is_nadir.setter def is_nadir( self, nadir_prop: bool ): self._is_nadir = nadir_prop @property def pnp(self): return cv.solvepnp( self.gcps_reduced, self.gcps["src"], self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs ) @property def shape(self): """ Returns rows and columns in projected frames from ``Frames.project`` Returns ------- rows : int Amount of rows in projected frame cols : int Amount of columns in projected frame """ cols, rows = cv._get_shape( self.bbox, resolution=self.resolution, round=1 ) return rows, cols @property def stabilize(self): """ Return stabilization polygon (anything outside is used for stabilization Returns ------- coords : list of lists coordinates in original image frame comprising the polygon for use in stabilization """ return self._stabilize @stabilize.setter def stabilize( self, coords: List[List[float]] ): self._stabilize = coords @property def transform(self): """ Returns Affine transform of projected frames from ``Frames.project`` Returns ------- transform : rasterio.transform.Affine object """ return cv._get_transform(self.bbox, resolution=self.resolution)
[docs] def set_lens_calibration( self, fn: str, chessboard_size: Optional[Tuple] = (9, 6), max_imgs: Optional[int] = 30, plot: Optional[bool] = True, progress_bar: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs ): """ Calibrates and sets the properties ``camera_matrix`` and ``dist_coeffs`` using a video of a chessboard pattern. Follows methods described on Parameters ---------- fn : str path to video file df : int, optional amount of frames to skip after a valid frame with corner points is found, defaults to fps of video. chessboard_size : tuple, optional amount of internal corner points expected on chessboard pattern, default is (9, 6). max_imgs : int, optional maximum amount of images to use for calibration (default: 30). tolerance : float, optional error tolerance alowed for reprojection of corner points (default: 0.1, if set to None, no filtering will be done). images that exceed the tolerance are excluded from calibration. This is to remove images with spuriously defined points, or blurry images. plot : bool, optional if set, chosen frames will be plotted for the user to inspect on-=the-fly with a one-second delay (default: True). progress_bar : bool, optional if set, a progress bar going through the frames is plotted (default: True). """ assert(os.path.isfile(fn)), f"Video calibration file {fn} not found" camera_matrix, dist_coeffs = cv.calibrate_camera( fn, chessboard_size, max_imgs, plot, progress_bar, **kwargs ) self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.dist_coeffs = dist_coeffs
def get_bbox( self, camera: Optional[bool] = False, h_a: Optional[float] = None, redistort: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Polygon: """ Parameters ---------- camera : bool, optional If set, the bounding box will be returned as row and column coordinates in the camera perspective. In this case ``h_a`` may be set to provide the right water level, to estimate the bounding box for. h_a : float, optional If set with ``camera=True``, then the bbox coordinates will be transformed to the camera perspective, using h_a as a present water level. In case a video with higher (lower) water levels is used, this will result in a different perspective plane than the control video. redistort : bool, optional If set in combination with ``camera``, the bbox will be redistorted in the camera objective using the distortion coefficients and camera matrix. Not used in orthorectification because this occurs by default on already undistorted images. Typically only used for plotting purposes on original frames. Returns ------- A bounding box, that in the used CRS is perfectly rectangular, and aligned in the up/downstream direction. It can (and certainly will) be rotated with respect to a typical bbox with xlim, ylim coordinates. If user sets ``camera=True`` then the geographical bounding box will be converted into a camera perspective, using the homography belonging to the available ground control points and current water level. This can then be used to reconstruct the grid for velocimetry calculations. """ bbox = self.bbox if camera: coords = np.array(bbox.exterior.coords) z_a = self.get_z_a(h_a) if redistort: # typically only done for plotting on original frame, expand number of points to be able to see distortion coords_expand = np.zeros((0, 2)) for n in range(0, len(coords)-1): new_coords = np.linspace(coords[n], coords[n + 1], 100) coords_expand = np.r_[coords_expand, new_coords] coords = coords_expand coords = np.c_[coords, np.ones(len(coords))*z_a] corners = self.project_points(coords) bbox = Polygon(corners) return bbox
[docs] def get_depth( self, z: List[float], h_a: Optional[float] = None ) -> List[float]: """ Retrieve depth for measured bathymetry points using the camera configuration and an actual water level, measured in local reference (e.g. staff gauge). Parameters ---------- z : list of floats measured bathymetry point depths h_a : float, optional actual water level measured [m], if not set, assumption is that a single video is processed and thus changes in water level are not relevant. (default: None) Returns ------- depths : list of floats """ if h_a is None: h_a = self.gcps["h_ref"] z_pressure = np.maximum(self.gcps["z_0"] - self.gcps["h_ref"] + h_a, z) return z_pressure - z
def get_dist_shore( self, x: List[float], y: List[float], z: List[float], h_a: Optional[float] = None ) -> List[float]: """ Retrieve depth for measured bathymetry points using the camera configuration and an actual water level, measured in local reference (e.g. staff gauge). Parameters ---------- x : list of floats measured bathymetry point x-coordinates y : list of floats measured bathymetry point y-coordinates z : list of floats measured bathymetry point depths h_a : float, optional actual water level measured [m], if not set, assumption is that a single video is processed and thus changes in water level are not relevant. (default: None) Returns ------- depths : list of floats """ # retrieve depth depth = self.get_depth(z, h_a=h_a) if h_a is None: assert(self.gcps["h_ref"] is None), "No actual water level is provided, but a reference water level is " \ "provided " # h_a = 0. # h_ref = 0. # else: # h_ref = self.gcps["h_ref"] z_dry = depth <= 0 z_dry[[0, -1]] = True # compute distance to nearest dry points with Pythagoras dist_shore = np.array([(((x[z_dry] - _x) ** 2 + (y[z_dry] - _y) ** 2) ** 0.5).min() for _x, _y, in zip(x, y)]) return dist_shore def get_dist_wall( self, x: List[float], y: List[float], z: List[float], h_a: Optional[float] = None ) -> List[float]: """ Retrieve distance to wall for measured bathymetry points using the camera configuration and an actual water level, measured in local reference (e.g. staff gauge). Parameters ---------- x : list of floats measured bathymetry point x-coordinates y : list of floats measured bathymetry point y-coordinates z : list of floats measured bathymetry point depths h_a : float, optional actual water level measured [m], if not set, assumption is that a single video is processed and thus changes in water level are not relevant. (default: None) Returns ------- distance : list of floats """ depth = self.get_depth(z, h_a=h_a) dist_shore = self.get_dist_shore(x, y, z, h_a=h_a) dist_wall = (dist_shore**2 + depth**2)**0.5 return dist_wall
[docs] def z_to_h( self, z: float ) -> float: """Convert z coordinates of bathymetry to height coordinates in local reference (e.g. staff gauge) Parameters ---------- z : float measured bathymetry point Returns ------- h : float """ h_ref = 0 if self.gcps["h_ref"] is None else self.gcps["h_ref"] h = z + h_ref - self.gcps["z_0"] return h
[docs] def get_M( self, h_a: Optional[float] = None, to_bbox_grid: Optional[bool] = False, reverse: Optional[bool] = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Establish a transformation matrix for a certain actual water level `h_a`. This is done by mapping where the ground control points, measured at `h_ref` will end up with new water level `h_a`, given the lens position. Parameters ---------- h_a : float, optional actual water level [m] (Default: None) to_bbox_grid : bool, optional if set, the M will be computed in row, column values of the target bbox, with set resolution reverse : bool, optional if True, the reverse matrix is prepared, which can be used to transform projected coordinates back to the original camera perspective. (Default: False) Returns ------- M : np.ndarray 2x3 transformation matrix """ src = cv.undistort_points(self.gcps["src"], self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs) if to_bbox_grid: dst_a = self.gcps_bbox_reduced else: dst_a = self.gcps_reduced # compute the water level in the coordinate system reduced with the mean gcp coordinate z_a = self.get_z_a(h_a) z_a -= self.gcps_mean[-1] # treating 3D homography print(dst_a) # print(z_a) return cv.get_M_3D( src=src, dst=dst_a, camera_matrix=self.camera_matrix, dist_coeffs=cv.DIST_COEFFS, # self.dist_coeffs, z=z_a, reverse=reverse )
def get_z_a( self, h_a: Optional[float] = None ) -> float: """ h_a : float, optional actual water level measured [m], if not set, assumption is that a single video is processed and thus changes in water level are not relevant. (default: None) Returns ------- Actual locations of control points (in case these are only x, y) given the current set water level and the camera location """ if h_a is None: return self.gcps["z_0"] else: return self.gcps["z_0"] + (h_a - self.gcps["h_ref"])
[docs] def set_bbox_from_corners( self, corners: List[List[float]] ): """ Establish bbox based on a set of camera perspective corner points Assign corner coordinates to camera configuration Parameters ---------- corners : list of lists (4) [columns, row] coordinates in original camera perspective without any undistortion applied """ assert (np.array(corners).shape == (4, 2)), f"a list of lists of 4 coordinates must be given, resulting in (4, " \ f"2) shape. Current shape is {corners.shape} " # get homography corners_xyz = self.unproject_points(corners, np.ones(4)*self.gcps["z_0"]) bbox = cv.get_aoi( corners_xyz, resolution=self.resolution ) self.bbox = bbox
def set_intrinsic( self, camera_matrix: Optional[List[List]] = None, dist_coeffs: Optional[List[List]] = None, lens_pars: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None ): # first set a default estimate from pose if 3D gcps are available self.set_lens_pars() # default parameters use width of frame if hasattr(self, "gcps"): if len(self.gcps["src"]) >= 4: # if self.gcp_dims == 3: self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs, err = cv.optimize_intrinsic( self.gcps["src"], self.gcps_dest, # self.gcps["dst"], self.height, self.width, lens_position=self.lens_position ) if lens_pars is not None: # override with lens parameter set by user self.set_lens_pars(**lens_pars) if camera_matrix is not None and dist_coeffs is not None: # override with self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.dist_coeffs = dist_coeffs
[docs] def set_lens_pars( self, k1: Optional[float] = 0., c: Optional[float] = 2., focal_length: Optional[float] = None ): """Set the lens parameters of the given CameraConfig Parameters ---------- k1 : float, optional lens curvature [-], zero (default) means no curvature c : float, optional optical centre [1/n], where n is the fraction of the lens diameter, 2.0 (default) means in the centre. f : float, optional focal length [mm], typical values could be 2.8, or 4 (default). """ assert (isinstance(k1, (int, float))), "k1 must be a float" assert (isinstance(c, (int, float))), "c must be a float" if focal_length is not None: assert (isinstance(focal_length, (int, float, None))), "f must be a float" self.dist_coeffs = cv._get_dist_coefs(k1) self.camera_matrix = cv._get_cam_mtx(self.height, self.width, c=c, focal_length=focal_length)
[docs] def set_gcps( self, src: List[List], dst: List[List], z_0: float, h_ref: Optional[float] = None, crs: Optional[Any] = None ): """ Set ground control points for the given CameraConfig Parameters ---------- src : list of lists (2, 4 or 6+) [x, y] pairs of columns and rows in the frames of the original video dst : list of lists (2, 4 or 6+) [x, y] or [x, y, z] pairs of real world coordinates in the given coordinate reference system. z_0 : float Water level measured in global reference system such as a geoid or ellipsoid used by a GPS device. All other surveyed points (lens position and cross section) must have the same vertical reference. h_ref : float, optional Water level, belonging to the 4 control points in `dst`. This is the water level as measured by a local reference (e.g. gauge plate) during the surveying of the control points. Control points must be taken on the water surface. If a single movie is processed, h_ref can be left out. (Default: None) crs : int, dict or str, optional Coordinate Reference System. Accepts EPSG codes (int or str) proj (str or dict) or wkt (str). CRS used to measure the control points (e.g. 4326 for WGS84 lat-lon). Destination control points will automatically be reprojected to the local crs of the CameraConfig. (Default: None) """ assert (isinstance(src, list)), f"src must be a list of (x, y) or (x, y, z) coordinates" assert (isinstance(dst, list)), f"dst must be a list of (x, y) or (x, y, z) coordinates" if np.array(dst).shape[1] == 2: assert (len(src) in [2, 4]), f"2 or 4 source points are expected in src, but {len(src)} were found" if len(src) == 4: assert (len(dst) == 4), f"4 destination points are expected in dst, but {len(dst)} were found" else: assert (len(dst) == 2), f"2 destination points are expected in dst, but {len(dst)} were found" else: assert(len(src) == len(dst)), f"Amount of (x, y, z) coordinates in src ({len(src)}) and dst ({len(dst)} must be equal" assert(len(src) >= 6), f"for (x, y, z) points, at least 6 pairs must be available, only {len(src)} provided" if h_ref is not None: assert (isinstance(h_ref, (float, int))), "h_ref must contain a float number" if z_0 is not None: assert (isinstance(z_0, (float, int))), "z_0 must be provided as type float" assert (all(isinstance(x, (float, int)) for p in src for x in p)), "src contains non-int parts" assert (all(isinstance(x, (float, int)) for p in dst for x in p)), "dst contains non-float parts" if crs is not None: if not (hasattr(self, "crs")): raise ValueError( 'CameraConfig does not contain a crs, so gcps also cannot contain a crs. Ensure that the provided ' 'destination coordinates are in a locally defined coordinate reference system, e.g. established ' 'with a spirit level.') dst = helpers.xyz_transform(dst, crs, CRS.from_wkt( # if there is no h_ref, then no local gauge system, so set h_ref to zero # check if 2 points are available if len(src) == 2: self.is_nadir = True src, dst = cv._get_gcps_2_4(src, dst, self.width, self.height) if h_ref is None: h_ref = 0. self.gcps = { "src": src, "dst": dst, "h_ref": h_ref, "z_0": z_0, }
[docs] def set_lens_position( self, x: float, y: float, z: float, crs: Optional[Any] = None ): """Set the geographical position of the lens of current CameraConfig. Parameters ---------- x : float x-coordinate y : float y-coordinate z : float z-coordinate crs : int, dict or str, optional Coordinate Reference System. Accepts EPSG codes (int or str) proj (str or dict) or wkt (str). CRS used to measure the lens position (e.g. 4326 for WGS84 lat-lon). The position's x and y coordinates will automatically be reprojected to the local crs of the CameraConfig. """ if crs is not None: if is None: raise ValueError("CameraConfig does not contain a crs, ") x, y = helpers.xyz_transform([[x, y]], crs,[0] self.lens_position = [x, y, z]
def project_points( self, points: List[List] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Project real world x, y, z coordinates into col, row coordinates on image Parameters ---------- points : list of lists or array-like list of points [x, y, z] in real world coordinates Returns ------- points_project : list or array-like list of points (equal in length as points) with [col, row] coordinates """ _, rvec, tvec = self.pnp # normalize points wrt mean of gcps points = np.float32(np.array(points) - self.gcps_mean) points_proj, jacobian = cv2.projectPoints( points, rvec, tvec, np.array(self.camera_matrix), np.array(self.dist_coeffs) ) points_proj = np.array([list(point[0]) for point in points_proj]) return points_proj def unproject_points( self, points: List[List], zs: List[float] ) -> np.ndarray: """ Reverse projects points in [column, row] space to [x, y, z] real world Parameters ---------- points : List of lists or array-like Points in [col, row] to unproject zs : float or list of floats : z-coordinate on which to unproject points Returns ------- points_unproject : List of lists or array-like unprojected points as list of [x, y, z] coordinates """ _, rvec, tvec = self.pnp # reduce zs by the mean of the gcps _zs = np.atleast_1d(zs) - self.gcps_mean[-1] dst = cv.unproject_points( np.array(points), _zs, rvec=rvec, tvec=tvec, camera_matrix=self.camera_matrix, dist_coeffs=self.dist_coeffs ) dst = np.array(dst) + self.gcps_mean return dst
[docs] def plot( self, figsize: Optional[Tuple] = (13, 8), ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, tiles: Optional[Any] = None, buffer: Optional[float] = 0.0005, zoom_level: Optional[int] = 19, camera: Optional[bool] = False, tiles_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = {} ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot the geographical situation of the CameraConfig. This is very useful to check if the CameraConfig seems to be in the right location. Requires cartopy to be installed. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple, optional width and height of figure (Default value = (13) ax : plt.axes, optional if not provided, axes is setup (Default: None) tiles : str, optional name of tiler service to use (called as attribute from (Default: None) buffer : float, optional buffer in lat-lon around points, used to set extent (default: 0.0005) zoom_level : int, optional zoom level of image tiler service (default: 18) camera : bool, optional If set to True, all camera config information will be back projected to the original camera objective. **tiles_kwargs additional keyword arguments to pass to ax.add_image when tiles are added 8) : Returns ------- ax : plt.axes """ # initiate transform transformer = None # if there is an axes, get the extent xlim = ax.get_xlim() if ax is not None else None ylim = ax.get_ylim() if ax is not None else None # prepare points for plotting if camera: points = [Point(x, y) for x, y in self.gcps["src"]] else: points = [Point(p[0], p[1]) for p in self.gcps["dst"]] if not camera: if self.lens_position is not None and not camera: # # if hasattr(self, "lens_position") and not camera: points.append(Point(self.lens_position[0], self.lens_position[1])) # transform points in case a crs is provided if hasattr(self, "crs"): # make a transformer to lat lon transformer = Transformer.from_crs( CRS.from_user_input(, CRS.from_epsg(4326), always_xy=True).transform points = [ops.transform(transformer, p) for p in points] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = list(np.array(LineString(points).bounds)) extent = [xmin - buffer, xmax + buffer, ymin - buffer, ymax + buffer] x = [p.x for p in points] y = [p.y for p in points] if ax is None: f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if (hasattr(self, "crs") and not(camera)): ax = helpers.get_geo_axes(tiles=tiles, extent=extent, zoom_level=zoom_level, **tiles_kwargs) else: ax = plt.subplot() if hasattr(ax, "add_geometries"): import as ccrs plot_kwargs = dict(transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) else: plot_kwargs = {} ax.plot( x[0:len(self.gcps["dst"])], y[0:len(self.gcps["dst"])], ".", label="Control points", markersize=12, markeredgecolor="w", zorder=2, **plot_kwargs ) if len(x) > len(self.gcps["dst"]): ax.plot( x[-1], y[-1], ".", label="Lens position", markersize=12, zorder=2, markeredgecolor="w", **plot_kwargs ) patch_kwargs = { **plot_kwargs, "alpha": 0.5, "zorder": 2, "edgecolor": "w", "label": "Area of interest", **plot_kwargs } if hasattr(self, "bbox"): self.plot_bbox(ax=ax, camera=camera, transformer=transformer, **patch_kwargs) if camera: # make sure that zero is on the top ax.set_aspect("equal") if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.legend() return ax
[docs] def plot_bbox( self, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, camera: Optional[bool] = False, transformer: Optional[Any] = None, h_a: Optional[float] = None, redistort: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs ): """ Plot bounding box for orthorectification in a geographical projection (``camera=False``) or the camera Field Of View (``camera=True``). Parameters ---------- ax : plt.axes, optional if not provided, axes is setup (Default: None) camera : bool, optional If set to True, all camera config information will be back projected to the original camera objective. transformer : pyproj transformer transformation function, optional used to reproject bbox to axes object projection (e.g. lat lon) h_a : float, optional If set with ``camera=True``, then the bbox coordinates will be transformed to the camera perspective, using h_a as a present water level. In case a video with higher (lower) water levels is used, this will result in a different perspective plane than the control video. Returns ------- p : matplotlib.patch mappable """ # collect information to plot bbox = self.get_bbox(camera=camera, h_a=h_a, redistort=redistort) if camera is False and transformer is not None: # geographical projection is needed bbox = ops.transform(transformer, bbox) bbox_x, bbox_y = bbox.exterior.xy bbox_coords = list(zip(bbox_x, bbox_y)) patch = patches.Polygon( bbox_coords, **kwargs ) p = ax.add_patch(patch) return p
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Return the CameraConfig object as dictionary Returns ------- camera_config_dict : dict serialized CameraConfig """ d = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) # replace underscore keys for keys without underscore for k in list(d.keys()): if k[0] == "_": d[k[1:]] = d.pop(k) return d
def to_dict_str(self) -> Dict: d = self.to_dict() # convert anything that is not string in string dict_str = {k: v if not(isinstance(v, Polygon)) else v.__str__() for k, v in d.items()} return dict_str
[docs] def to_file( self, fn: str ): """Write the CameraConfig object to json structure Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to file to write camera config to """ with open(fn, "w") as f: f.write(self.to_json())
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Convert CameraConfig object to string Returns ------- json_str : str json string with CameraConfig components """ return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.to_dict_str(), indent=4)
depr_warning_height_width = """ Your camera configuration does not have a property "height" and/or "width", probably because your configuration file is from an older < 0.3.0 version. Please rectify this by editing your .json config file. The top of your file should e.g. look as follows for a HD video: { "height": 1080, "width": 1920, "crs": .... ... } """ def get_camera_config( s: str ) -> CameraConfig: """Read camera config from string Parameters ---------- s : str json string containing camera config Returns ------- cam_config : CameraConfig """ d = json.loads(s) if not "height" in d or not "width" in d: raise IOError(depr_warning_height_width) # ensure the bbox is a Polygon object if "bbox" in d: if isinstance(d["bbox"], str): d["bbox"] = wkt.loads(d["bbox"]) return CameraConfig(**d) def load_camera_config( fn: str ) -> CameraConfig: """Load a CameraConfig from a geojson file. Parameters ---------- fn : str path to file with camera config in json format. Returns ------- cam_config : CameraConfig """ with open(fn, "r") as f: camera_config = get_camera_config( return camera_config