Source code for pyorc.api.velocimetry

import numpy as np
import rasterio
import xarray as xr
import warnings

from pyproj import CRS
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from .orcbase import ORCBase
from .plot import _Velocimetry_PlotMethods
from .mask import _Velocimetry_MaskMethods
from .. import helpers, const
from xarray.core import utils

[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor("velocimetry") class Velocimetry(ORCBase): """Velocimetry functionalities that can be applied on ``xarray.Dataset``"""
[docs] def __init__(self, xarray_obj): """Initialize a velocimetry ``xarray.Dataset`` Parameters ---------- xarray_obj: xr.Dataset velocimetry data fields (from ``pyorc.Frames.get_piv``) """ super(Velocimetry, self).__init__(xarray_obj)
@property def is_velocimetry(self): """ Checks if the data contained in the object seems to be velocimetry data by checking naming of dims and available variables. Returns ------- is_velocimetry : bool If True, the dataset likely contains velocimetry data """ # check for dims, difference between available and allowed should be zero in length unknown_dims = set(self._obj.dims).difference(set(["time", "y", "x"])) if len(unknown_dims) != 0: print(f"Unknown dimension(s) found: {unknown_dims}") return False missed_dims = set(["y", "x"]).difference(set(self._obj.dims)) if len(missed_dims) != 0: print(f"Dimensions missing: {missed_dims}") return False # check for missed_vars = set(const.ENCODE_VARS).difference(set(self._obj.data_vars)) if len(missed_vars) != 0: print(f"Variables missing: {missed_vars}") return False # check for available metadata if not(hasattr(self._obj, "camera_config")): print("camera_config metadata is missing") return False return True mask = utils.UncachedAccessor(_Velocimetry_MaskMethods)
[docs] def get_transect( self, x, y, z=None, s=None, crs=None, v_eff=True, xs="xs", ys="ys", distance=None, wdw=1, wdw_x_min=None, wdw_x_max=None, wdw_y_min=None, wdw_y_max=None, rolling=None, tolerance=0.5, quantiles=[0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95] ): """Interpolate all variables to supplied x and y coordinates of a cross section. This function assumes that the grid can be rotated and that xs and ys are supplied following the projected coordinates supplied in "xs" and "ys" coordinate variables in ds. x-coordinates and y-coordinates that fall outside the domain of ds, are still stored in the result for further interpolation or extrapolation. Original coordinate values supplied are stored in coordinates "x", "y" and (if supplied) "z". Time series are transformed to set quantiles. Parameters ---------- x : tuple or list-like x-coordinates on which interpolation should be done y : tuple or list-like y-coordinates on which interpolation should be done z : tuple or list-like z-coordinates on which interpolation should be done, defaults: None s : tuple or list-like distance from bank coordinates on which interpolation should be done, defaults: None if set, these distances will be precisely respected, and not interpolated. ``distance`` will be ignored. crs : int, dict or str, optional coordinate reference system (e.g. EPSG code) in which x, y and z are measured (default: None), None assumes crs is the same as crs of xr.Dataset. v_eff : boolean, optional if True (default), effective velocity (perpendicular to cross-section) is also computed xs : str, optional name of variable that stores the x coordinates in the projection in which "x" is supplied (default: "xs") ys : str, optional name of variable that stores the y coordinates in the projection in which "y" is supplied (default: "ys") distance : float, optional sampling distance over the cross-section in [m]. the bathymetry points will be interpolated to match this distance. If not set, the distance will be estimated from the velocimetry grid resolution. (default: None) wdw : int, optional window size to use for sampling the velocity. zero means, only cell itself, 1 means 3x3 window. (default: 1) wdw is used to fill wdw_x_min and wdwd_y_min with its negative (-wdw) value, and wdw_y_min and wdw_y_max with its positive value, to create a sampling window. wdw_x_min : int, optional window size in negative x-direction of grid (must be negative), overrules wdw in negative x-direction if set wdw_x_max : int, optional window size in positive x-direction of grid, overrules wdw in positive x-direction if set wdw_y_min : int, optional window size in negative y-direction of grid (must be negative), overrules wdw in negative y-direction if set wdw_y_max : int, optional window size in positive y-direction of grid, overrules wdw in positive x-direction if set. tolerance : float (0-1), optional tolerance on the required amount of sampled data in the window defined by wdw and/or wdw_x_min, wdw_x_max, wdw_y_min and wdw_y_max (if set). At least this fraction of cells each time step must have a data value to return a value. Otherwise the location is given a nan as value. rolling : int, optional if set other than None (default), a rolling mean over time is applied, before deriving quantile estimates. quantiles : list of floats (0-1), optional list of quantiles to return (default: [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95]). Returns ------- ds_points: xr.Dataset interpolated data at the supplied x and y coordinates over quantiles """ transform = helpers.affine_from_grid(self._obj[xs].values, self._obj[ys].values) if crs is not None: # transform coordinates of cross-section x, y = zip(*helpers.xyz_transform( list(zip(*(x, y))), crs_from=crs, crs_to=CRS.from_wkt( )) x, y = list(x), list(y) if s is None: if distance is None: # interpret suitable sampling distance from grid resolution distance = np.abs(np.diff(self._obj.x)[0]) # interpolate to a suitable set of points x, y, z, s = helpers.xy_equidistant(x, y, distance=distance, z=z) # make a cols and rows temporary variable coli, rowi = np.meshgrid(np.arange(len(self._obj["x"])), np.arange(len(self._obj["y"]))) self._obj["cols"], self._obj["rows"] = (["y", "x"], coli), (["y", "x"], rowi) # compute rows and cols locations of coordinates (x, y) rows, cols = rasterio.transform.rowcol( transform, list(x), list(y), op=float ) # ensure we get rows and columns in fractions instead of whole numbers rows, cols = np.array(rows), np.array(cols) # compute transect coordinates in the local grid coordinate system (can be outside the grid) f_x = interp1d(np.arange(0, len(self._obj["x"])), self._obj["x"], fill_value="extrapolate") f_y = interp1d(np.arange(0, len(self._obj["y"])), self._obj["y"], fill_value="extrapolate") _x = f_x(cols) _y = f_y(rows) # covert local coordinates to DataArray _x = xr.DataArray(list(_x), dims="points") _y = xr.DataArray(list(_y), dims="points") # interpolate velocities over points if wdw == 0: ds_points = self._obj.interp(x=_x, y=_y, method="nearest") else: # collect points within a stride, collate and analyze for outliers ds_wdw = helpers.stack_window( self._obj, wdw=wdw, wdw_x_min=wdw_x_min, wdw_x_max=wdw_x_max, wdw_y_min=wdw_y_min, wdw_y_max=wdw_y_max ) # use the median (not mean) to prevent a large influence of serious outliers missing_tolerance = ds_wdw.mean(dim="time").count(dim="stride") > tolerance * len(ds_wdw.stride) # missing_tolerance = ds_wdw.count(dim="stride") > tolerance*len(ds_wdw.stride) ds_effective = ds_wdw.median(dim="stride", keep_attrs=True) # remove velocities that are too few in samples ds_effective = ds_effective.where(missing_tolerance) # scipy does not tolerate np.float32 since scipy=1.10.0, so first convert to np.float64 for var in ds_effective: ds_effective[var] = ds_effective[var].astype(np.float64) for coord in ds_effective.coords: ds_effective[coord] = ds_effective[coord].astype(np.float64) ds_points = ds_effective.interp(x=_x, y=_y) if np.isnan(ds_points["v_x"].mean(dim="time")).all(): warnings.warn( "No valid velocimetry points found over bathymetry. Check if the bathymetry is within the camera " "objective or anything is visible in objective. " ) # add the xcoords and ycoords (and zcoords if available) originally assigned so that even points outside the # grid covered by ds can be found back from this dataset ds_points = ds_points.assign_coords(xcoords=("points", list(x))) ds_points = ds_points.assign_coords(ycoords=("points", list(y))) ds_points = ds_points.assign_coords(scoords=("points", list(s))) if z is not None: ds_points = ds_points.assign_coords(zcoords=("points", list(z))) # add mean angles to dataset alpha = helpers.xy_angle(ds_points["x"], ds_points["y"]) flow_dir = alpha - 0.5 * np.pi ds_points["v_dir"] = (("points"), flow_dir) ds_points["v_dir"].attrs = { "standard_name": "river_flow_angle", "long_name": "Angle of river flow in radians from North", "units": "rad" } # convert to a Transect object ds_points = xr.Dataset(ds_points, attrs=ds_points.attrs) if rolling is not None: ds_points = ds_points.rolling(time=rolling, min_periods=1).mean() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ds_points = ds_points.quantile(quantiles, dim="time", keep_attrs=True) if v_eff: # add the effective velocity, perpendicular to cross-section direction ds_points.transect.vector_to_scalar() return ds_points
# add .plot as group of methods, UncachedAccessor ensures that Velocimetry is passed as object plot = utils.UncachedAccessor(_Velocimetry_PlotMethods)
[docs] def set_encoding(self, enc_pars=const.ENCODING_PARAMS): """Set encoding parameters for all typical variables in a velocimetry dataset. This reduces the required storage for this dataset significantly, when stored to disk in e.g. a netcdf file using ``xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf``. Parameters ---------- enc_pars : dict of dicts, optional per variable, a dict containing encoding parameters. When called without input, a standard set of encoding parameters is used that compresses well. (Default value = const.ENCODING_PARAMS) Returns ------- """ for k in const.ENCODE_VARS: self._obj[k].encoding = enc_pars